Never Fall in Love!

I recall having an Executive vying for a $200k role a few years ago. We were down to the last three, he was a stand-out and the CEO was honed in on him well above the other candidates. He won the role, was offered and declined – he just wanted to meet the CEO (in an attempt to build his network) and win the job (for his ego). His intention was never to take it, and of course we will remember his name forever for all the wrong reasons!

Falling in love

You know that moment when you interview everyone and there is a clear winner? The other two candidates aren’t even in the same ballpark, and you just want to close it out and get the person over the line. It happens quite often, even to us. I remember one of my clients saying to me once ‘I never fall in love anymore’ – we were having a difficult time recruiting for her and she had been burned by a few ‘ex-lovers’ (top candidates) before. Her broken heart made her see everyone on the same playing field now which really made it difficult to sell the strong ones!

Putting all your eggs in the one basket

Maybe she’s right though. How often do we put people up on a pedestal only to be let down? We’ve often spoken to new clients that had given up during the recruitment process due to losing candidates. At the end of the day they have other functions of the business to manage and having to restart the process or go back to the hundred or more applications and start again doesn’t seem like a viable option. A lot of it does come down to falling in love. You see a heap of applications, one stands out and then the others fall in and around that applicant. Historically, you stop the screening process, move to interview, and the person does a killer interview but then never proceeds due to another offer or just declines with no reason. You don’t want to fall into this position!

How to win

There are a number of tactics to ensure that you can bring the best people into your team and business:

  • Have a good value proposition around your role and the company – the more attractive your role and the company are, the greater the chance of attracting good people
  • If you are a smaller business that doesn’t have a big network to draw candidates from and are solely relying on advertising, keep the job post open for the entire period you have paid for. SEEK is 30 days, keep it open for the 30. You may find the ideal candidate on day 3 but you should build a pool of candidates in the background in case that person does not take the offer – you need a fallback plan – keep screening them all
  • Don’t fall in love! There may be a stand-out candidate but take the blinkers off and look at others that may have skills you could use in the business. The stand-out serves the current function but the hidden ones may actually be the better pick that takes you to the next level
  • Outsource it to a specialist that understands how to attract candidates, has a wider net to cast and also has retention strategies to keep a candidate interested in the role during the process
  • Act swiftly – the good ones do get snapped up quickly. A drawn out process can mean calling to offer the successful candidate, only to find they have already taken another role

If you need any further information or would like to find out more about how we can help your business, please call us on 1300 558 979. We are always happy to discuss how we can help you achieve your recruitment goals.

No Smokers Please!

Is it discriminatory to request that we screen out smokers when hiring a new employee for our client or is it just a workplace right that other non-smokers should have in their place of work? Knowing the dangers of smoking and second hand smoke, could it even be considered as a Workplace Health and Safety issue and your duty of care to not bring that into a workplace?

Ask a smoker if it would be discriminatory to not hire them based on the fact that they smoked and the answer would be YES!

Ask a non-smoker if they felt that a smoker could pose a potential health risk or do they just hate the smell around them and the answer will most likely also be YES!

Ask a customer of that company and it could be a mixed result, however, if the customer is a non-smoker, it could influence their decision to deal with the salesperson or receptionist, resulting in lost sales that you will never be aware of.

Whilst I have a personal preference that I will keep to myself, the nature of this blog is to help you if you are a smoker and looking for your next opportunity.

The smoke free workplace

A lot of companies that we know have already moved or are moving to a ‘smoke free’ environment and look for people that fit that prospect. They are also introducing ‘no smoking in company uniform’ policies as it could be considered a detriment to their brand and also affect their staff and workplace. There is also a Government link dedicated to this initiative to incorporate into the workplace. It’s not necessarily the issue about people taking smoke breaks throughout the day, it’s actually about the person returning to the office after their smoke wreaking of cigarettes that actually disrupts their colleagues. Potentially, if you are in customer facing roles, it may even turn off the customers themselves. Employers don’t want to disrupt their staff and even more so, don’t want to turn off someone that is paying them money. Whilst we are not going to delve into the legalities of all of this, the bottom line is that if you are a smoker and your dream company or role pops up and the company doesn’t want that as part of their environment, you need to be aware of this and change something about you to help you win and retain the job.

Self – Awareness

If you wake up at 6am and have a smoke and your interview is at 9am, it is potentially still on your breath, on your clothes or on your person – this is just a fact and if picked up, may ruin your chance of getting a great job. You may have nailed the interview and stand-by to await the call that never comes. Only to call and get some lame feedback that they went with someone that ‘had more’ experience’ or that ‘it was such a tough decision but we went with another candidate’. The real reason will never be known however being in our unique position as a recruiter behind the scenes, we often know what went wrong. Quite often we get feedback from employers that a candidate attended an interview and did well however they had a smoke sometime beforehand (and sometimes just before) going into their interview. “we had to air the office out’ and ‘the place just smelled afterwards’ are real words of feedback that we have received from our clients. To non-smokers (especially if it’s the hiring manager) it can be a massive turn-off so we always come back to the old saying of ‘first impressions count’. What a lot of smokers may not realise is that a lot of non-smokers are really sensitive to the smell of cigarettes – their radar pops up immediately. Not many people have the guts to tell you, so you need to understand this to improve your potential of being hired.

What can you do about it?

From a non-smoker’s perspective, the short answer of course is not to smoke but the reality is that you have a personal choice to do it or not – this isn’t our call. My personal advice is that if you have an interview lined up, do some research about the company and even do a drive or walk by during their lunch or morning tea times to see if there are staff having a smoke outside – this may sound silly but is it not worth investing your future on it? The big one though is holding off having a smoke before your interview and doing your best to secure the role first – it could easily be the difference between winning the job and not. If you win it, go in your first day with the intention of not smoking and see what occurs throughout the day. If it is accepted throughout the day, then it’s all good, if not, you may have to work around it and adjust when and where you do smoke. You put a lot of effort into winning the role, the best you can do for yourself and your family is to retain it by adjusting what you do.

We wish you all the best and if you would like to discuss this further, we are always open to having a chat about improving your chances at interview and working towards a great career. You can call our office on 1300 558 979 to talk further.

Our Entire Team Can Earn Monthly Bonuses

Well isn’t that an interesting concept. Think about this for a moment – imagine your entire staff being incentivised to add value to the business? Your receptionist earning bonuses, your admin and accounts teams as well as the HR and IT teams? The sales team are still in place and out there creating new business however, internally, there is an equally important functional team that is also focused on bringing in business and adding value well beyond their “normal” role.

The big change:

This was quite a unique company I was working with however the same principle can be applied to all businesses – it’s a matter of being creative, training your team and opening their eyes to the opportunity. It does not have to be flat out sales, there are many ways of bringing in business that can suit even the most introverted person. For this company there were teething issues at first – some came on board straight away, some hated the idea and eventually, a large proportion came around and became advocates of the idea and even more so, advocates of the company. They also improved their earning potential, learned about what the company actually did and gained an interest in where they worked.

Incentivising your staff:

Of course incentivised staff are not a new concept. We see it all the time with sales, BDM’s  Account Managers and the management team. What we don’t see often is those working in functional roles being incentivised. Some have KPI’s and eligibility for annual bonuses however, they are generally paid an annual wage with no opportunity to better that throughout the year. Basically they are seen as a necessity to get through the administrative tasks of the business to enable it to function – they are very important but at the end of the day, they have a ceiling to what each functional role is worth in the market. Imagine the retention and ‘buy in’ you would get by giving staff the opportunity to earn more, be rewarded for their efforts and feel part of the greater team. It’s not always an easy thing to implement and some employees may freak out when they hear of it so be careful and calculated in how you approach it!

It’s not just about the money, but it does have its place:

It is a fair bet to say that if you asked any of your team members across functional roles (admin, accounts, HR, IT for example) if they would like to improve their financial situation, there would be a very high percentage that would say Yes. Again, there is a ceiling in the market to what people can earn in a large range of roles and therefore people sometimes feel stuck. Think of the reasons you are given when staff leave – I’m bored, the other company was offering more money, etc etc. A motivated, incentivised and rewarded person just doesn’t have the opportunity to feel that way – they are too busy being part of something, improving their situation and learning. Not only does it add value to the company but it adds value to your people and could also improve retention. Your people are picking up new skills, being engaged with the business and their customers and getting the pat on the back that we all crave. It’s worked very well for one business that we know, maybe it could work for yours.

If you would like to discuss in detail what this company did to improve their business, feel free to call us on 1300 558 979 to see how it could be implemented in your business.

There Are No Good People Out There!

It’s funny how many times I hear this in my travels. Going back one step, I was at a business breakfast, did the usual introduction, and upon hearing that I am in recruitment, the person’s first response was “There are no good people out there”. Normally I give a “I’m not really into you” kind of smile and move on but I thought I would probe further. The speaker at the event was a 3 out of 10 on a good day and this person had sparked my interest so I pressed on and engaged.

So… what’s wrong with the market? I asked…

‘They’re all slackers’. Cool, that’s a great explanation I thought. We got into a discussion about all the wrongs that had been committed over the years and I gave him a hug (more of a pat on the back) and talked it through. It’s amazing what you find out when you really want to discover some of the facts that have shaped a person’s perception. I won’t bore you with the conversation – here are some facts:

  • He hasn’t recruited in a while as he doesn’t like taking on staff – they all do the wrong thing remember?
  • He’s also a bit angry because he has to work later (due to a lack of staff) – tied up in day to day, the business is also not growing as a result
  • In 2011 he was burned by a person that took too much sick leave – he was still holding onto this
  • Another employee ‘screwed up’ their accounts system
  • After advertising a year ago, he couldn’t find anyone good to fill the role and the girl he did like, turned them down (I wonder why?) so he just left it

Perception can really make it hard for you

I’ll leave it for you to decide on whether he’s right or wrong. The fact is that employees are going to make mistakes, some are going to take advantage of you  and/or the company, and quite a few are actually going to do the right thing and add value. Of course we all shape what we are looking for and also not wanting from past events. the problem occurs when you start putting people in a box. I’ve heard heaps of silly things in my time including:

  • No more Michaels – we actually got down to a name ban once!
  • No more older people
  • No young ones they’re just on Facebook all the time
  • Quite a few others that I will just stay away from

At the end of the day, these are all stereotypes and perceptions based on false data. It’s far more productive to forget about or learn from  past hires and focus on the role you need filled and what the right person will do for the company. Being open to a range of potential employees that sit outside what you had thought and can also become a real epiphany when explained what this person can do for you. We have successfully converted candidates for clients that would never have selected them if they had done the recruit themselves. They have added value and helped grow their businesses. Our role at New Point is to help you and to also provide options that you wouldn’t normally consider. Call our office on 1300558979 to have a chat about how we can make a difference to your recruitment process and your outcomes.

How does a new office and an extra $50,000 sound?

As a rookie recruiter back in my early years, I recall interviewing a guy for an interesting role in a high profile company that was undergoing expansion. Through all of our eyes (client, myself and the candidate) it offered growth, recognition and most importantly the culture he was looking for. He was excited, was offered $150k for the role which was fair for what it was, and accepted it. 2 weeks prior to starting he pulled out – the company he was working for and really hated, offered him an extra $50,000 and promised a new office locally, which he took.

What’s More Important – The Opportunity or The Starting Salary?

An extra $50,000 per year is nothing to sneeze at for most people – I don’t blame the guy for taking it – family came first for him and he had to do what’s right at the time. The problem was, when I followed him up not too long after, he was working away in a new company – he had left anyway. When I met up with him he had worked up a smile saying that he was happy in the new role and that the other guys hadn’t really come through for him – he got the extra money (7 months’ worth), the office had been delayed, but in the end, he was still working with the same people. On the other hand, the person we placed in our role was kicking goals and she really enjoyed the team and the interesting projects she was working on. One took the opportunity and the other took the money and left anyway.

What happens?

It’s the burning question that an employer would love to know about the candidate in front of them. Are they in front of me because it’s a great opportunity or are they just after the money? A large number of candidates just apply for a job which is fine  – as a recruiter we often hear things like “It was just an admin job. I’ve applied for heaps – which one’s this again?”

Some people desperately need the work, others apply for the role as it may improve their financial situation and some are just focused on escaping the madhouse that is their current job. Then there are others who look at the role on offer, see that it aligns with what they are looking for and actually research the company to see if it has the possibility of offering a career and learning new skills – they have a longer term, bigger picture strategy. I had a candidate that I placed as a CEO recently that took close to a $100k pay cut as the opportunity and huge expansion of their network was too good to refuse. When they finish their tenure, they will be well known in their region and have a heap of opportunity before them, just as their predecessor has right now.

What do you do?

As a candidate, it is a good idea to work out what’s important – work culture, career growth and the monetary rewards that go with it or just the chance to get more money? It’s a personal thing as we are all at different stages of our wants and needs. You also have to sell that story or vision when you are attending interviews and the best way to sell it is to be convinced yourself.

For yourself as an employer, you have to work out that what you are offering is attractive – is your company attractive, do you have a good work culture, do you pay fairly, do you offer further training or room to grow and also the ability for a person to earn more? How do you package that up to appeal to potential employees in the market? We all have to sell something compelling but it also has to be true so that people take the offer and stay with you. These are things that we focus on to help you attract the right person. When you need the help or would like to have a chat about how we do this, feel free to call us on 1300 558 979.


Yes, it’s 2017 and We Really Want to Help You Get That Job!

I got asked for my fax number the other day so that I could receive a resume – I just went blank for a moment. It was really interesting. Being a polite guy (and valuing that everyone is a customer) I asked if they were able to email it to me however, in the end, it was mailed to our PO Box and missed the cut off date. When you are in the job market and competing against others that are tech savvy, you need to come up to date in 2017 – really quickly or you may just miss out!

Some interesting observations (the not so great stuff):

Things that we have found from our experience this year alone include:

  • At least 5% of applications have no phone contact details on them
  • A further 5-10% at least have old or incorrect phone numbers
  • People are using old photos on their CV (I really wish I looked a lot younger too but i just don’t!)
  • Some photos look like they were taken by a 0.3 megapixel camera – C’mon, you aren’t really a Lego man!
  • When asked to submit a cover letter, close to a staggering 70% of people don’t do it
  • From the remaining 30% that submit a letter (thank you) barely half addressed the actual job ad
  •  Self awareness has dropped a bit – Be aware of how you present for interview not just your clothes but how you come across. Aggressive behaviours don’t generally make us feel like putting you forward to our client!

The good stuff (how you can do it better):

If you plan out your job hunting strategy, it will pan out for you in a positive way. The great news is that some job seekers are doing everything right, applying for the role or approaching us with the right tools and techniques, being interviewed, put forward to our clients and winning the role. We’ve placed a lot of great people into new careers this year and with a bit of work, we hope that you can be successful through our agency too! Here’s what you need to do:

  • Check and correct all the contact details on your resume (actually, make sure you have a resume first) – we want to call you!
  • Have a resume that is clean and easy to read. Some of the best candidates that we have placed had a very basic looking resume with the right information on it – it does not need to be flashy
  • If you choose to have a photo on your resume, don’t rush it. Dress up and get a professional head shot by someone else – not a selfie. Don’t crop a photo from a nightclub – it makes it look like you cropped a photo from a nightclub
  • Do a cover letter regardless of what anyone says – a really easy formula is to address it, attention it to the right person, state the role you are applying for, then state in bullet point form your skills in relation to the actual job ad. It can be more formal and include further information however, just doing this alone puts you above 70% of other applicants – it shows you actually read the ad
  • Have a good and honest friend give you feedback about how you present – are you naturally aggressive, too passive, talk over others, don’t listen or come across as an ‘expert’ (even though you are not). If done properly, you may find an area for self-development that can not only get you selected, but change your career prospects forever. A bit of self-awareness is an awesome thing sometimes

When we see your application come through and you stand out, we speak on the phone and you sound welcoming and easy to talk to, chances are we will be asking you to come in for interview. We want you to be that person. Remember, it’s 2017, your competition is up to date, aware of what is happening in the marketplace and are acting competitively. You need to be doing this too!

We hope this helps and if you need assistance (or know someone that does), please call or pass our details on. Our office is open weekdays and you can call us on 1300 558 979.


It’s Only Money – Right?

If you’re an employer that pays the Award rate or on the other hand, pays well below market rates, you could be at risk of your staff regularly keeping an eye out for a better paying role. Sometimes people just accept a job because they need one and just because you’ve filled the role, they may still be looking for the ‘better’ opportunity.

What is the right rate of pay for a role? It really is an open ended question. Some employers wish to pay the Award and that’s actually ok – it’s correct. Some wish to pay a lower salary than the market and make up for it with overtime and bonuses as a lure – this also works on occasion. Some pay well above the market rate which is attractive but can eat into the ROI and then there is the group that pay all within a certain market rate. Neither of these options are incorrect, however, what actually attracts a person to accept your role? There are quite a few answers to that question besides money, however, from our experience in the market, it sits very, very high on the list of things that applicants consider.


How do you know what salary to offer / accept?

Now you have to be reasonable here and not go off false information (there’s plenty of that out there). You need collective data. From an employer’s side, you would be silly to take a stab at what you feel is fair to pay someone for a role and hope that someone will take it. Likewise from an employee’s side you can’t just go off the information from a friend who is in a similar role to you but gets paid a whole lot more – one person is not the market. Likewise, if you have just finished Uni and the lecturer suggested that you should be worth $60k because you have a Degree now, it’s also probably (definitely) not correct.

You can look up the Award rate and pay that and you can also look at salary surveys that have been released however, realistically for our market on the Gold Coast, use them as a loose guide and not fact. You can pull a figure out of the air that you feel represents what you would pay for the role (we actually see this often) and could be correct or completely miss the mark. I had a client quite a while ago where every the answer to ‘what do you want to pay’ (for any role) was $45k – that was out by as much as $35k on the worst occasion. Some employers also look at the ABN option as it’s easier/cheaper, except when the person suddenly feels ‘wronged’ a year down the track and you end up with a FWO claim from your now identified ’employee’ not contractor.

The best options:

Yes, you have options and neither of the 3 below methods takes very long at all. They could also save you time and effort and work for you in a positive way to attract the best candidates in the market.

  • Make a call – Call a Recruiter or HR Consultant and ask what they have found when recruiting similar roles. Without spelling it out too much, Recruiters work with the market on a daily basis and can give you the salary range and benefits of recent roles they have filled – this is good information to decide on what you will pay for what particular skill level you are after.
  • Visit an online Job Board – Jump onto a job board such as SEEK type in the role you are reviewing or wishing to recruit as well as the region and look at the results. The majority of salaries are missing from the results however, every role that is posted has to have a salary range behind the scenes. From the results, use the ‘salary slider’ to work out where the majority of roles fall  – this could be a good guide to work from.
  •  Get job applicant feedback – Applicants are the market. Use the question ‘What salary range are you seeking for this role’ during your phone screening before selecting an applicant for interview and there’s your feedback. When reviewing your phone screening/shortlisting form have a look at the responses from those that you are keen on and that could be an indication of the market. Don’t discount the higher end ones either – they may ‘want’ a particular salary however we have often found that ‘want’ and ‘currently on’ are sometimes quite different.

Just doing one or all of the three points above should clear up a few questions you may have. If you do have questions regarding what to pay someone on an upcoming recruit or are conducting salary reviews soon, feel free to call our office on 1300 558 979. We are happy to help you.

The Steps I Took as a Graduate to Secure a New Job

This week we have our guest writer Jaaden who is in her final year of University studying HR. She has also joined our team and shares her story on how tough the market is and what it takes to get into your chosen field after University. Here’s her story:

Finding a job after graduation can be an overwhelming task. There is often the misconception that because we have a Degree we are more employable. However, this isn’t always the case. We often find ourselves applying for what feels like, hundreds of jobs without getting a call back. Our mornings are often greeted with a few rejection emails, and we start to question if those three to four years of late nights and frustrating group projects were worth it. Even the university listed graduate jobs seem to want that valuable “experience” everyone lists in the job description. Sounding familiar?

As a recent graduate myself, I get it. I spent just under a year seeking experience, and applying for jobs in the hope that I’d land the promised (not real) $80,000+ job in my first year out of university that everyone talks about. In reality, this isn’t always the case, so I have put together a few tactics that I used which helped me to land a job as a graduate.

Create and utilise your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn is a tool which allows you to connect with prospective employers, search for vacant positions and create relationships with people in order to build a network. Once I decided what kind of company I would like to work for, I would follow their company page and connect with people within the organisation. Don’t be afraid to send them a message introducing yourself as a graduate, and even asking them what they look for in a candidate. This gets your name out there and could lead to a conversation about a vacant position within the organisation.

Pick up the phone
This can be quite confronting for most people, however this will build your confidence and potentially lead to a company realising that they could do with the extra hand. I suggest allocating a few hours each week, researching local businesses online and giving them a call. Introduce yourself, even prompt the question by asking if they have any opportunities available. Ask them if they have any time available to meet with you in person – this will help you in building rapport with them and strengthening your chance of being hired. Make sure to connect with them on LinkedIn afterwards, and stay in regular contact to ensure the relationship is continuously building.

Ask the question!
Don’t be afraid to ask for advice. This was the tactic which ultimately landed me the job. After building relationships and staying connected on LinkedIn, I was still an active job seeker. It was at this point that I felt I would never pursue a successful career in my chosen field, and I was beginning to look into other career paths. I decided to ask for advice, and contacted one of my connections on LinkedIn. We met again after a few months of our initial meeting and he offered me a position.

My new Manager was once somebody that I never knew, decided to call, connected with on LinkedIn and kept in regular contact with. My intentions of asking for advice were never asking for a job; however it worked out that there was a position available – it was just great timing. Whilst it didn’t just happen overnight, I stayed consistent, employed the above tactics, and was motivated and persistent, which paid off in the end. You too can have success if you have the right strategy and goal in mind to begin your new career and the chance to implement what you have learned at University – Good luck!

3 Ways To Improve Your Recruitment Outcomes

Recruiting a new staff member can be a lot of work, way more than you anticipated. Yes, it’s quite straight-forward to put an ad together, post it and wait to see what happens, however, what happens next can either pump you up or deflate you and your candidates. We often get approached by employers citing that their processing time has blown out, they’ve lost candidates and the just want to hand it over to us to start from scratch. We looked at 3 things some of our clients do that have helped improve their recruitment experience from being dull and forgettable to an enjoyable one. Even if you take just one thing from this, it is worth reading on..

1: Planning

When we say planning, we mean the entire recruitment process. Set yourself some goals and time frames to achieve during the process. By this we mean, how long do you want to advertise, what day do you want to screen applications, by what date or time frame do you want to schedule interviews, when do you want to have a job offer in place, when do you want the person to start? Instead of having the scattergun approach associated with ‘we needed them yesterday’ take a breath, map it out and stick to the schedule – you will be surprised at the difference it can make.

2: Social Media Checks

Please just do it. Let’s just say you have 300 applicants come through for an administration role which is highly likely. On average you would get down to about 20 that closely match the profile you are seeking. You can either schedule them all in for calls or bring some in for interview and hope for the best. The problem is it’s a blind date at this stage. It takes very little time to jump into Facebook or LinkedIn and look at a profile – it’s either going to be all systems go or a complete no no. You will be surprised at how many you eliminate from the list you have and save a lot of time and effort.

3: Use Technology

This is more likely targeted at a larger organisation that recruits more often. We use a cloud-based recruitment platform to load jobs across multiple platforms and track applications. The beauty of a good system is that it saves a huge amount of time, has a searchable database for upcoming roles, has functionality to be automated when communicating with job seekers, and can be accessed from multiple devices on the go or in the office. They are also not as expensive as you would think – the ROI against lost time from old school methods is huge.

With recruitment being our core function at New Point, we get results from incorporating these practices into our day to day way of doing business. You too can benefit from adding one or all of these into your recruitment process. Feel free to call us on 1300 558 979 to find out exactly how we implement these practices in our business.

How to Get Selected For Interview

We speak with so many applicants on a daily basis and screen through hundreds of resumes weekly on behalf of our clients. We have a lot of successes through choosing candidates that responded correctly, acted appropriately and were able to sell their skills and experience to win the job. What about those that didn’t make the cut?

What went wrong?

Based on our experiences in the market there are some specific things that stood out to prevent a candidate from proceeding further to the interview stage and we would like to share them to help you improve your chances. The first thing is being honest with yourself and asking if you meet the criteria of the role advertised. Secondly, get feedback from those that are close to you and ask them to be honest in their appraisal of not just your application but how you come across. Here is our list for you to reflect on:

  • Submitting a low quality resume – What we mean by this is an out of date resume, no contact details, poor spelling and grammar, poor formatting, big gaps in your employment history, scanned documents with scribbled phone numbers on them, inappropriate pictures
  • No cover letter – The best way to think of a cover letter is that it introduces you, your intentions, why you are applying and your skills and experience relative to the role. If you are coming from interstate it is a good idea to state this and your lead time before commencing
  • Not meeting the criteria advertised – If you don’t have a cover letter supporting your application we just have a resume to go on – if we can’t see anything that fits, you’re out. A lot of people wish to change careers and we understand this. If it is more of an entry level role, you may have a shot if you outline why you would suit this new opportunity in a cover letter
  • Being aggressive or forceful in your nature – at the end of the day, we are your first line of call. Every interaction either electronic, verbal or in person is part of a screening/interview process. Nobody likes to be treated disrespectfully even if the conversation isn’t going your way – it’s just an immediate no.
  • Going missing – From time to time we have candidates that just don’t turn up for interview, then can’t be contacted via email or their mobile even though we only spoke to them the day before – it’s 2016, we know you love your phone and it’s in your pocket – just answer it – this is an immediate no and future no, it also goes into our CRM for the next time you apply… and you will
  • Social presence – We all love social media and there’s heaps of debate about whether you should judge someone for a job based on what they posted on their personal page but guess what, it matters – you just can’t un-see something. If you posted a picture of you sitting there half naked smoking a joint and decide that you want to keep your Facebook page “Public” it may come back to bite you – it’s as simple as that, you are out

You have to remember that these are things that are all picked up before we even decide to bring you in for interview and can have an impact on your chances at moving to the next stage. If you find that you need to clean up your Facebook page a bit, improve your resume or start incorporating a cover letter into your applications, it may just give you the help you need to get over the line and be on the path to obtain what could be your dream job or career.

If you need help or clarification on any of the points above, always feel free to contact our office on 1300 558 979 to discuss how we can help or even represent you in the market.