New Point Recruitment’s Articles
Our News, Stories and Opinions
Our News, Stories and Opinions
I am sure that we have all heard this term before and I am also sure that at least once, we have let an opportunity pass by from over-thinking or procrastinating. I definitely learned this in my early days as a recruiter when dealing with great candidates – if my client took too long to make a […]
For both the employer and the job applicant, this can actually be a very difficult question if you looked at it in detail – for an employer: why does this person want the role or, as a candidate: why do I want this role? We have had a range of applicants with a range of […]
You recently applied for some roles that you really felt matched your experience and skill set and …. would you believe it… no phone call for an interview. Not even a response. What happened? We have all been in this situation before and it isn’t fun. I remember when I landed on the Gold Coast […]
We had the joy of recruiting a new staff member recently and it was great to have the feeling of not just offering a role to someone for one of our clients, but to actually offer them an opportunity with our own company. It gave me a really good insight again into the feeling that […]
Speaking recently with Rita from Rita Noon Image Consulting about a candidate that was a nice kid but just wasn’t presented for interview (thongs, shorts, cigarette packet on the table), I thought that it would be great to grab her insights into personal presentation that may just help you score that next job or career […]
As the year draws to a close today we would like to reflect on the year that has been 2012. For both clients and candidates we have seen a positive shift for the Gold Coast in terms of jobs and growth this year and already have placements and job orders lined up for January to kick […]
The hot debate with every recruit that we do always comes down to skills, experience and personality. Does our client like our candidate enough to accept that they may need some mentoring or guidance at first or do they need to absolutely hit the ground running? What would you prefer if you were to recruit […]
Quite a number of years ago I had a friend in the retail sector that always had a couple of made-up stories to use in an interview to showcase his skills… and they worked! Firstly, I would like to say that we don’t agree with making up stories however, the science behind his approach is […]
When you have been called by an employer or recruiter in response to an application that you submitted, have you ever been asked the dreaded question: “What salary range are you seeking for this role? If the answer is yes, and you never heard from them again, there is some important information that you need […]
I made a phone call to an applicant the other day for a role that we have been recruiting for and was really impressed. The applicant’s phone rang and she answered with “Hello David”. This is a very rare occurrence, I hadn’t even introduced myself! Would you believe that she was also successful through our […]